Friday, February 03, 2012

Day 3: Hands

 This hand,
So small, so soft. 
Soon it will grow. 
Soon it will have sticky stuff all over it.
Soon it will be learning how to tickle. 
Soon it'll learn how to hold a crayon and make irreplaceable masterpieces.
This hand,
Soon it will hold a handlebar with white knuckles as Daddy lets go of the bike for the first time.
Soon it will learn how to navigate monkey bars.
Soon it will hold the strap of a book bag as she walks out the door for school. 
This hand, 
Reaching for a chord on an instrument
Or slapping high fives after a game-winning goal
What will this hand experience in victory and character-building defeats?
This hand,
Too soon it'll be used to text and tweet.
To update statuses and update Mom on her whereabouts.
And white-knuckled again, it will grip the steering wheel of Daddy's car for the first time.
This hand, 
I wonder whose hand it will hold one day.
Who will ask for this hand in marriage?
What will this hand look like with a wedding band on it?
This hand, 
How will it be used to heal the broken, the forgotten, the poor?
How will it feel like Jesus' hand to those whom it touches?
How will it fit in the body of Christ?
This hand, 
in His capable hands,
I hold her loosely in my own hands
To release her into His care, for his service, for His glory.


Lauren Blake said...

wow what a post... I have tears in my eyes thanks for taking the time to write and reflect.

Grams said...

Beautiful! Hope all is well with all of the Berrys? Miss you guys...

Anonymous said...

Amen. What a beautiful poem. What an honest expression of the thoughts, hopes and dreams you have for your precious little girl. Thank you for sharing and thank you for trusting and believing in the plans God has for Caroline Berry. What an encouragement to us all! Nancy Smith-Mather