Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Joyous Surprise...

For the last few weeks, I've been feeling under the weather...stuffed up nose, sore throat, exhausted despite getting 8 hours of sleep, and to top it off, a rash developed on my arms, neck, and chest. Finally, I broke down and decided to see a doctor on Wednesday, determined not to let this thing beat me.

As the nurse was taking my history, she suggested I take a urine test. No problem. Send me to the lab. I finished up, cleaned up, and made my way back to the exam room and waited...

The doctor came back in and said she had planned to prescribe me some cortizone cream for my rash, but she couldn't because I'm Pregnant!

Whoa. My stomach jumped into my dry throat. My eyes got watery. I think I stopped breathing for a second...I was pretty surprised. Then overjoyed. Wow. New life, a perfect little gift from God. A blend of my precious husband and my own qualities. Our first arrow in our quiver. The next world changer.

I didn't even care about the other symptoms. How could I worry about a sniffle?

Brandon called on my way home and invited me to eat some dinner at the office...his staff had ordered our favorite pizza.

I stopped by the store and bought a bib that says "My Dad Rocks". When I got to the office, I took him aside for a little while and gave him his gift. Oh the look on his face when he got it. Priceless. He said the same things I did when he proposed, "What? Are you serious? Oh my gosh!" Then some sweet tears and hugs. I couldn't believe it was really happening.

It still doesn't feel real (except that I've been nauseus all weekend).

So many questions, thoughts and prayers have crept into my mind in the last few days. I wonder what the next nine months will be like, let alone the next 20 or so years. Our lives will never be the same. Forever changed for the better.

Please stand with us in prayer for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. We are excited and very humbled, and are seeing God in a whole new light during this season in our lives.

Baby Berry! :)